The main goal is for the dancers to raise funds for the cause.
The theme for the fundraiser is "Pink in Paris"!
Deadline to Enter the Dance Competition is September 7, 2025.
There is no Dance Fee to Enter the Competition, but you must enter the dance competition to reserve your spot in the show.
It is a first come, first serve to enter. We are holding 5 spots for school dance programs to enter. If schools do not submit by due date of September 7, 2025, dance companies will have a chance to take their spot. Your dance company will be notified and can confirm if you still want to enter the competition.
If you are not contacted once you submit your application, please call the director at 903-646-2550 or email
We want to make sure we confirm receiving your team name as space will be limited. Due to breast cancer event festivities for the day, we will only accept between 15 to 20 teams this year.
- Each team will turn in their team name. A profile will be built in 99 pledges fundraiser platform we use to raise funds for the cause. All dance teams are required to raise a minimum of $300 for the cause. If you split the initiative up, you will raise this quickly.
- 99Pledges | Start a fundraiser!
- Once the team profile is built, we will notify your team instructor to start the fundraiser. We start the fundraiser at the same time for all teams. (Start September 10, 2025 at 8 AM).
- Family, friends, and anyone you know can donate to the team profile site.
- Make sure we have a list of all individuals on the team so that your team receive the right count for individual medals. Enter information below in the team entry form or email us the names of dance members once the team is formed by no later than October 1, 2025 to and in the subject title:
"Dance Team Name - Enter Miss Pink Pageant Dance Competition".
(List team member names)
We understand it may take time to know who will be on the team.
- School Entry Incentive- We want to return the favor to give 20% back to any school dance program from what they raise. This creates an incentive to raise funds for breast cancer and for your school dance department (only for schools). Dance companies and school dance departments will also have the opportunity to receive a cash prize dependent upon how much money raised for the cause, but we know it will be between $350 to $1000 for first place. Of course, the more money raised this amount increases.
- Awards: The team that raises the most money wins and receives team trophy, but this does not necessarily mean you will win the overall best performance, grand cash prize, and Miss Pink Dance Queen title for the instructor/choreographer of your team selection. Your dance routine will affect your score as well.
Most Money Raised Team Award (Receive a trophy)
Overall Performance Score Team Winner (see criteria below)
Yes, if you raise the most funds and have best overall performance you could receive 2 trophies.
- We have 1st thru 3rd place trophies for teams that raise funds and perform. There will be individual medals for all dancers. The winning team will receive Best Overall Performance trophy, a cash prize, and the instructor or choreographer of the winning team will be crowned Miss Pink Dance Queen! We will crown the dance queen during the dance competition part of the day with a sash and floral bouquet. They can later come to the pageant in a pink evening dress or Sunday Church Dress in pink to walk the stage and be announced with other winning Queens.
- We require dance routines to be no more than 4 minutes long. It is a judged competition as well. Please make sure the music is appropriate for the cause and music must be sent no later than October 15, 2025. If it is a cut song you will need to send the song, but if we can download from Spotify that will be fine as well. Just give us the name of the song from Spotify.
- Score Criteria:
Team Donation is 60%
Choreography/Creativity is 10%
Technique is 10%
Overall Performance is 20%
Total 100%
This is a great learning experience for all dance teams to be judged. There will be 3 judges that have great dance backgrounds.
- Attire: Remember this is a Breast Cancer event. All teams must wear something pink or accessories of pink. We understand there may be other colors in your dance costume, but we ask that you highlight pink! Our theme this year is "Pink in Paris". Have fun with the theme!
- Fundraiser Campaign for teams will start September 10th and end October 22nd!